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Our Rates

We aim to provide a fair price for the services provided and unfortunately we must charge a fee, even if there is a rebate in most instances.  This allows us to provide the resources and facilities to provide treatment and support to our community.

For more information on what rebates may be available click here.

Clinical Supervision
Behaviour Support
Forensic Assessment
Developmental Assessment (inc NDIS)
Standard Consultation

Senior Psychologist

General Psychologist

A standard 50 minute consultation with a Psychologist using any therapy modality (i.e. CBT, Counselling, DBT)

Long Consultation

A 75 minute consultation which is required for some therapy modalities (i.e. EMDR)

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A number of our Psychologists are registered to provide supports under WorkCover. These fees are set by the NSW Government.

NDIS (Self-Managed)

Sessions are a standard 50 minute consultation.

Additional letters and reports are charged at the same rate.

NDIS (Plan & Agency)

Unfortunately registration with NDIS is a very expensive process which repeats every 1.5 years.  A surcharge is added to match NDIS rates to meet this cost.

Sessions are 50 minutes long.

Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision

This is a 1 hour direct session of supervision or report reviews etc. by a board certified supervisor.

Did you know supervision is provided to our staff at no cost?

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Peer Supervision

Peer to Peer supervision in areas of excellence and experience.  

Sessions are 50 minutes long.

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Training in specific modalities of therapy or assessment tools for senior staff.

This service is charged per hour, please see us for a quote.

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Behaviour Support
Specialist Behaviour Support

This price is set by the NDIA. For behaviour supports outside of the NDIS, please contact us for an obligation free quote.

Behaviour Management and Training

This price is set by the NDIA. For behaviour supports outside of the NDIS, please contact us for an obligation free quote.

On-line BSP Training Access

When we provide training to DSW's we will provide an online copy of that training and handouts for access over the duration of the current NDIS Plan.

Forensic Assessment
Forensic Assessment & Report

Assessment for matters such as:

  • Section 10
  • Section 32
  • Sentencing Report
  • Unfit to Plead

These services are charged per hour at the standard rates.  Please see us for a quote.
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Expert Witness Guidelines

Please note that all assessments and reports are completed under the Expert Witness Guidelines (see FAQ for more information)

Forensic Psychotherapy Treatment

Specific treatment methods for people with an identified offending history such as:

  • SOTP
  • VOTP

Other common treatments are provided under Psychology services.

These services are charged per hour at the standard rates.  Please see us for a quote.
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    Court Attendance

    Attendance at Court is charged per hour including any waiting time.

    No rebates are available and payment to be made by estimate prior to attendance.

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    Developmental Assessment (inc NDIS)
    NDIS Eligibility Report

    An assessment designed to answer the essential questions of NDIS access so that you will have clear information and evidence about your eligibility for the NDIS.

    These services are charged per hour.  Please see us for a quote.
    Behavioural Consultation

    We also provide behavioural consultation to support agencies, parents, foster carers and other supporters of people with challenges.  

    These short consultations are designed for mild-moderate challenges where a quick consultation (2-4 hours) can provide you with the information you need. 

    Please contact us to discuss your needs.

    Cognitive Assessment

    Assessment of cognitive strengths and weaknesses.  This is typically part of a wider assessment so please give us a call to tell us the context and we will be able to deliver a service to suit your needs.

      Diagnostic Assessment

      For an assessment to provide a diagnostic using appropriate tools (such as an IQ test), review of information, clinical interviews and other collaterol sources charging is done by the hour.

      Contact us for a quote so that we can get an understanding of what will be required.

      Please call

      Other things...

      You might be concerned about a service we haven't listed here or you might call something by a different name and not recognise it.

      If you have a need for assessment or therapy, don't be afraid to talk to us either by chat through the website, email or phone.  If we don't provide that service we will be upfront with you and try our best to point you in the right direction.

      Rebates & Registered Programs Potentially Available


      Getting the right referral from your GP can enable access to a Medicare Rebate.  Unfortunately, Medicare doesn't provide a 'free' service, click here for more information.


      We are a registered NDIS provider with clinicians who are appropriately registered.  Services provided under this program do no attract an out of pocket expense.  

      Employee Assisstance Program (EAP)

      We are a registered with several EAP providers.  Services provided under this program do no attract an out of pocket expense. 

      WorkCover NSW

      We are a registered with the State Insurance Regulation Agency (SIRA/WorkCover NSW).  Services provided under this program do no attract an out of pocket expense. 

      Victims Services

      We provide interim services under Victims of Crime at this time.  These services do not attact an out of pocket expense.

      Department of Veterans Affairs

      We are a registered with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Services provided under this program do no attract an out of pocket expense.